Five Myths + Five Tips: Here’s What you Need to Know When Selecting a Car Shipping Service
If you’ve never shipped a vehicle before, you might naturally have a few questions: Is it safe? Is it expensive? How long will it take?
We’ve been in the business for a long time, and we’ve heard it all. That’s why we wanted to clear up a few misconceptions – and give you some things to think about – as you search for the right car shipping service for you.
Don’t be Fooled! Myths and Misconceptions about Shipping Your Vehicle
When it comes to shipping your vehicle, you may not know exactly how the process works or what you should and shouldn’t do to transport your vehicle safely. Let us help by first busting a few myths …
Myth #1 – You can pack your car.
Not only is this not true, but car transport companies actually strongly suggest not putting any personal items in your car. When your car is being transported, insurance will cover any damage to the car itself, but anything inside the car is not liable. It’s best to remove any valuables before you ship your vehicle.
Myth #2 – The distance determines the price.
Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. The company responsible for shipping your vehicle needs to know the vehicle size, accessibility of the pickup and destination locations, date flexibility, and distance in order to determine a price for transportation. If your vehicle needs to be dropped off in a rural area far from the main roads, for example, you’ll pay a little more.
Myth #3 – Shipping to terminals causes delays.
On the contrary! Transport companies prefer shipping to terminals because it’s a lot more convenient for the driver, as well as the customer. Think about it this way: It’s a lot faster to drop three cars off at one place than it is to drop three cars off at three different places. Some terminals will even deliver the cars to your house, so it’s a solution worth considering.
Myth #4 – It takes the same amount of time to ship your vehicle as it does to drive it yourself.
People are sometimes under the impression that, because it takes two days to drive from Boston to Miami, it will take the same amount of time to transport their car. But that’s not the case. Due to strict transportation laws, drivers are required to take eight hours of rest for every eight hours they drive on the road. Also, drivers must stop at every open weigh station and often have more than one destination. This is why we caution customers to plan ahead if they intend to ship their vehicle. It may take longer than you expect and proper planning is imperative.
Myth #5 – The size and weight of your car does not affect the price.
Even if you own a smaller model SUV, the weight and size would still be more than that of the average car, which adds weight to the carrier’s truck. Also, the more items you keep in the car, the more the truck weighs. If a driver’s loaded truck tops the legal weight limit at a weight station, then that driver will be charged extra. So, carriers will consider the weight of your vehicle before taking it on.
What to Look for in a Car Transportation Service
Now that we’ve covered what NOT to do, let’s talk about what to look for in a car transportation service …
1. Question Cheap Transportation Rates
There is a wealth of resources and automotive directories out there for finding a car shipping company , but it’s often tricky to determine quality at a good price. Although it’s tempting to go with the cheapest option when shopping for quotes, we don’t recommend it. If a car shipping company’s rates are hundreds of dollars less than those of the average transporter, there is typically a reason why. Companies often advertise cheap prices to scam people into giving them “deposits.” These companies also have a harder time getting carriers to move their cars because the pay is so low.
If you want your car taken care of properly in a timely manner, an extra hundred dollars is worth paying.
2. Check the Reviews Before You Choose
You can tell a lot about a company based on their reviews. Simply checking the reviews on Google or Yelp could save you a lot of time and money. Your car is one of your biggest assets; don’t let the wrong company handle something you value so much.
3. Ask About the Company’s Insurance
Did you know that some car transport companies don’t have insurance? It’s important to know how you will be compensated if your car is damaged. Quality transportation companies have damage claim forms that are easy and convenient to fill out. In short, a good company won’t want your car damaged, and will insure you against even the worst-case scenario.
4. Educate Yourself About the Transport Process
Since transportation relies a lot on weather, it is almost impossible to guarantee exactly when the car will arrive. Cheap car transporters often ensure customers that their vehicles will get to their destination long before they actually do. Reliable transport companies are honest and upfront about how long the transport will take.
5. Ask About Your Deposit
Typically, when you book with a car transport company, they ask for a deposit to hold your booking. Some car transport companies are happy to give you a refund in full in case of an emergency. To be on the safe side, it’s always important to ask.
Count on PreOwned Auto Logistics to be Honest and Reliable
When you entrust your vehicle with a car shipping company, you want to feel confident that you have all the facts and know exactly what to expect. With our experience and record of reliability, we can offer you that peace of mind. Contact us if you have questions about shipping your vehicle or if you’d like a quote.