Cheap Car Shipping (Video)
If you’re looking for cheap car shipping, while maintaining quality, Mike Scenna of PAL gives you some tips to make your next car shipping as inexpensive as possible.
Hi, I’m Mike Scenna, Sales Manager at Preowned Auto Logistics. When it comes to cheap car shipping, there are a few ways you can save some money.
Number one is the type of shipment you choose. There are two types of shipments. There’s enclosed shipping and open shipping. In enclosed shipping, the vehicle is on a trailer that’s fully covered. A much safer way to ship the car, but it can be a little bit more expensive. In open shipping, the trailer is open. The car is exposed to the elements. It’s still a safe way of shipping, but you could save a lot of money by doing this way.
Number two is preparation. You want to call well ahead of time. You want to plan properly for your move. This way you can assure that you’re without the car for as little time as possible. This results in car rentals being shorter, and you’re ultimately saving money on your car rental fees.
And number three is flexibility. If you don’t need to rent a car, or you don’t have a problem with being without a car, transportation companies love this. This gives them more time to work on the order and ultimately more time to save you money. At the end of the day, the best thing you could do is call a professional well ahead of time and let them walk you through the process and tell you the best ways to ship a car cheaply.